Title: Your Voice, Our Future: SAU-6 Community Meetings Description: SAU-6 is planning for the future, and we need your input! Join us for a community forum to discuss the direction of our schools and gather your feedback to help shape our district’s strategic plan. This is your chance to share insights on our schools' current state and contribute to setting priorities that will guide our decisions for the next five years. Your voice is essential in shaping the future of our schools. Details: we will be hosting two community forums - one in Unity and one in Claremont. Wednesday, September 18th at 5 PM - Unity Elementary School Wednesday, September 25th at 6 PM - Stevens High School Who Should Attend: Community members, parents and family members, students, educators, and local stakeholders. All are welcome! Why Attend? Your input is invaluable as we set priorities and make decisions that will impact our students and community. This is a chance for you to make your voice heard and contribute to the future of our educational community. Join the Conversation: Help Shape the Future of SAU-6! If you aren’t able to join the meeting, here is a community survey where you can provide your feedback.
about 2 months ago, Christopher Pratt
Due to power outages, freezing temperatures for the early morning, and getting the busses dug out for the morning commute, there will be a late start for all Claremont and Unity schools for Friday, April 5, 2024. There will be no morning early childhood classes at the Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center as well. Thank you and travel safely tonight and tomorrow! Late start times: SHS/SRVTS: 9:15 am CMS: 9:35 am Disnard: 10:30 Maple: 10:15 am Bluff: 10:15 Unity : 10:00 am (no pre-k) No morning pre-k for the SRVTC
7 months ago, Christopher Pratt
Late start for all school on Friday, 4/5/24
Juniors will take the SAT on March 27th starting at 7:30. No phones or electronic devices are allowed during testing other than your fully charged school-issued Chromebook.
7 months ago, Michael Herrington
Around 1:05pm  today, February 20th the Claremont City PD had reports of  gunshots on Pleasant Street near Cumberland Farm. For precautionary measures ONLY  I had  CMS, SRVTC, Bluff, and SHS go to a shelter in place.  The school came out of the shelter in place at 1:40pm. Thank you,
8 months ago, Christopher Pratt
Stevens High School/Sugar River Valley Technical Center Open House Mini ScheduleThursday, September 28, 20236:00 pm-7:30 pmBlock 16:00:00 PM - 6:15 PMFocused Study6:18:00 PM - 6:33:00 PMBlock 26:36:00 PM - 6:51:00 PMBlock 36:54:00 PM - 7:09:00 PMBlock 47:12:00 PM - 7:27:00 PM For Any visitor with a Career Center class, the bus leaves from in front of the high school to take you to classes at the Career Center.Many community partners will be available with resources & materialsStop by the School Counseling Office to sign up for Free/Reduced LunchVisit Courtney's Closet to browse available items and enter a drawing for some lovely local prizes
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Open House
If your student is missing school, please contact our attendance secretary, Shanee Taylor. Stevens High School Attendance Office shsattendance@sau6.org -attendance email or 603-543-4220 x1000 If you should need to email her for any other reason, please use the following email: shaneetaylor@sau6.org **If COVID-19 is related, please contact our school Nurse, Amy Smith. asmith@sau6.org or 603-543-4220 x1006
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Attendance Office
Welcome back School meals are crucial to a healthy development. Please take the time to Complete the application. It takes less than 10 minutes, and application information remains private and confidential. Only one application per household is needed. Below are the links that you can use to apply. If you need assistance, please call the school, and we will be more than happy to assist. Stevens High School also has forms available at the school that you can request to have them sent to you or emailed. To do so, email Danielle Skinner: dskinner@sau6.org Courtney Porter: cporter@sau6.org Holly Bressette: hbressette@sau6.org SHS School Phone Number (603) 543-4220 Application Link https://www.sau6.org/page/free-and-reduced-information
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Free Reduced
The SHS half-day for all freshmen and new students will be the usual early release schedule.
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Aug 30.
Dear Families, The PowerSchool portal is now open to see schedules for this year. If your child feels they need to adjust their schedule, please have them reach out to Ms. Rhines at arhines@sau6.org. We do have a new school counselor, Halee Bertolami, who will be taking over the caseload of P-Z, and is working close with Ms. Rhines to get acquainted with Stevens High School. Ms. Rhines and Ms.Bertolami are available this week to work with families-please email or call first(ext. 1009) to set up an appointment. Once school starts, students will be emailed a link to a Google form to use to request schedule changes during the add/drop period. As we are currently operating with only two counselors, please have patience and understanding this school year. We are looking forward to working with your family this school year!
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
I would like to apologize for the lack of email communication that has occurred from Stevens High School. I am not sure how long it has taken place. I discovered today, August 12, 2023, that the Thrillshare notification system that I use to send out emails, Facebook posts, and school website info was never populated with emails. We have contacted the company, and they are working to get this fixed ASAP. The system is designed to send info to all the various social media, websites, and emails all at the same time. So every time I posted in the past, I would see it on the Facebook and school website I assumed that everyone was also getting the email. I am not sharing this as an excuse, just an explanation. Once again, my apologies, and I am in the process of fixing this issue. In the meantime, please go to the SHS website for all past and present communication. https://shs.sau6.org/ Sincerely, Chris Pratt, SHS principal.
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Give your student a healthy start to the school year. Complete your Medicaid redetermination when it’s due. Visit nheasy.nh.gov to check your child’s Medicaid status, update your information, and find out when it’s time to complete your redetermination. Watch for your yellow letter from NH DHHS and follow the instructions so you can avoid a gap in your child’s health care coverage. For more information, visit dhhs.nh.gov No longer eligible for Medicaid? Need other coverage options? New Hampshire Navigators can help! Health Market Connect 1-800-208-5164 | www.hmcnh.com NH Navigator/First Choice Services 1-877-211-NAVI | www.acanavigator.com/nh/home
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
FRESHMEN ORIENTATION MEET YOUR TEACHERS AND OTHER STAFF MEMBERS, GET A TOUR OF THE BUILDING, AND WALK THROUGH YOUR SCHEDULE! STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED AT 11:20 am Busses will run their usual routes, and bagged lunch will be offered All students in grades 9-12 will report to Stevens High School on August 31st for a standard day of school.
about 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
SHS 9th Grade
SHS Graduation is on June 8, 2023 at 6:00 pm
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
The Stevens High School 2023 Graduation Ceremony will start promptly at 6:00 PM in the SHS gymnasium.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
The last day of school for students will be June 13th as long as there are no more cancellations.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Dear Parent / Guardian, During this challenging year and in compliance with New Hampshire SB282, school staff are working on teaching students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are again using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help. We understand last year was extremely difficult for many students at Stevens because of a death by suicide, and this may be a sensitive topic for many. Thousands of schools have used SOS over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students who self-reported suicide attempts. Through the program, students learn: That depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help how do they identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend To ACT (Acknowledge, Care, and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend Who they can turn to at school for help if they need it Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the video, students will complete a response slip that asks whether they would like to talk to an adult about any concerns. School staff will conduct brief meetings with any student asking to talk. Students will also complete a brief depression screening tool. This tool cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should be referred for evaluation by a mental health professional. We encourage you to visit www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn. We include the following: An infographic for you to reinforce the ACT message at home An info sheet with resources A Google Slides presentation specifically for parents If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in this program, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at cpratt@sau6.org, or any of our school counselors. Sincerely, Christopher Pratt, Principal
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Currently, on March 24, 2023, at 7:45 am Stevens High School has all of our phone lines down. Please email Mrs. Taylor with any questions or absences shaneetaylor@sau6.org. We are hoping to have the phones back up shortly.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Good afternoon Stevens High School Community. Just letting you all know that grades are all finalized, and report cards are ready on the parent portal for you to view. Thank you,
over 1 year ago, Christopher Pratt
Good evening, This is a reminder that Stevens High School will hold their Parent Teacher Conferences on November 14, 2022, from 7:25 AM - 2:10 PM at SHS. If you cannot attend at this time, please get in touch with your student's teacher to set up a time to meet in person or virtually.
almost 2 years ago, Christopher Pratt
Parent Night in the Auditorium: 17 NOV 22 - 5:30 to 7:30 PM Class Dates: November: 17 (Parent Night), 28, 29 December: 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16; Make-Up Days - 19, 20, 21 January: 03, 04, 05, 10, 11, 12 Times: 2:30 to 4:30 PM Location: Stevens High School Room 104 * Parent / Guardians with their students MUST attend Parent Night if they wish to participate * Bring a COPY of the Student's BIRTH CERTIFICATE (must be at least 15-years 9-months or older to attend) * Payment is due on Parent Night = $800.00 - CASH, CERTIFIED BANK CHECK, or MONEY ORDER only * In order to attend, the student must have NO schedule conflicting with the Driver Education Classes (Sports, doctor's appointment, work hours, hair appointments, etc.) * We will provide packets with Driver Education requirements, etc., to the parents and students on Parent Night * Bring a Black or Blue pen * Bring a SMART DEVICE (cell phone, tablet, or laptop with Internet Connectivity) * Seats are limited for these first classes to 16 per class - All are welcome to the information and potentially signing up for future classes * Please be patient, there WILL be other classes over the course of the school year / summer. Thank you again for working with us to accommodate students and their families.
almost 2 years ago, Christopher Pratt
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